Time To Drop and Thunder In Our Hearts 1.2!

Hello everyone! I've made some changes to Time To Drop (and by association Thunder In Our Hearts) to try and alleviate the most common imbalance that I've found during play (and that's been reported to me by other players). The system to roll to clear a Complication has been overhauled with completely different results for the 7-9 and 6 or less rolls, as well as a new special mechanic when anyone at the table rolls doubles!

A few other tweaks made while I was in the docs include

- The Locale starting Complication in TTD is now more specifically the room or exact location where the goods are held, not the entire venue/setting of the heist

- TTD has gained an extra challenge mode

- General typo fixes in TIOH

I recommend downloading the new 1.2 versions and using the improved mechanics, rather than the pre-overhaul ones, for play!


1.2 Plaintext 371 kB
Mar 29, 2022
1.2 Full Layout 3 MB
Mar 29, 2022

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